Ai Tools for Expert Academic Writing Skills

About Course

Let’s Grow your Practical Skills with ScienceGlaze Experts.

Course Duration: 12 weeks

Course Description: This course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills to effectively use AI tools in academic writing. It covers the basics of AI, its applications in academic writing, and hands-on experience with AI writing tools.

Week 1-2: Introduction to AI

  • Understanding AI and its implications
  • Overview of AI in academic writing
  • Ethical considerations in using AI

Week 3-4: Basics of Academic Writing

  • Understanding the structure of academic papers
  • Importance of clarity, coherence, and cohesion
  • Citation and referencing styles

Week 5-6: AI Tools for Grammar and Style

  • Introduction to AI grammar checkers
  • Using AI for improving writing style
  • Hands-on session with AI grammar and style checkers

Week 7-8: AI for Plagiarism Check

  • Understanding plagiarism and its consequences
  • Introduction to AI plagiarism checkers
  • Hands-on session with AI plagiarism checkers

Week 9-10: AI for Citation and Referencing

  • Challenges in citation and referencing
  • Introduction to AI citation generators
  • Hands-on session with AI citation generators

Week 11-12: The Future of AI in Academic Writing

  • Emerging trends in AI for academic writing
  • Potential challenges and ethical considerations
  • Final project: Write an academic paper using AI tools

Assessment: Continuous assessment through assignments and a final project

Learning Outcomes: By the end of this course, students will be able to effectively use AI tools to enhance their academic writing skills, understand the ethical implications of using AI in academic writing, and stay updated with the latest trends in the field.

Please note that this is a general outline and can be customized according to the specific needs and objectives of the learners. The course requires no prior knowledge of AI. All necessary concepts will be taught from scratch.

We offer this online-earning course in Online as well as On-campus modes.

We prefer to join our on-campus course at the MDCAT Coaching Hub, Lakki Campus, Lakki City, Lakki Marwat.

What Will You Learn?

  • By the end of this course, students will be able to effectively use AI tools to enhance their academic writing skills, understand the ethical implications of using AI in academic writing, and stay updated with the latest trends in the field.
  • Profile Building
  • Online Project Hunting etc.

Course Content

Introduction to AI

Basics of Academic Writing

AI Tools for Grammar and Style

AI for Plagiarism Check

AI for Citation and Referencing

The Future of AI in Academic Writing

Education and Research related Writing Skills

2-months Training Sessions

Profile Creation and Hunt Projects

Job Hunting & Certification

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