Novel Insights in Diabetes Mellitus

About Course

Find education, support, and resources to improve the quality of life with diabetes. Learn how to manage diabetes to prevent or delay health complications by eating well, being physically active, managing diabetes during sick days, reaching and maintaining a healthy weight, managing stress and mental health, and more.

What Will You Learn?

  • After the successful completion of this course, the students will be able to manage the complicated cases in DM.

Course Content

Basic concepts of Diabetes Mellitus

Major emphasis on newly diagnosed types; type 1.5 and 2.5 DM

Omnius octet effects implications in the pathophysiology of DM

A paradigm shift in diagnostic tests for DM

Selection of better alternative for the treatment of DM

Complications associated with DM either acute or chronic

Somgoyi effects vs Dawn phenomenon assessment and management

Advance concepts in the management of DM

Insulin dose adjustment: traditional to modern concepts

Proving novel Gold standards in the treatment of DM

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